Thursday, October 14, 2010
melompat-lompat gumbira dan meronta-ronta sedih
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
welcome ramadhan!
Semoga setiap dari kita dapat memanfaatkan bulan yang mulia ini, InsyaAllah.
Selamat Berpuasa! :)
Monday, August 09, 2010
seriously??? no, i mean seriously???
normally i won't read that type of email on the day itself especially when i'm so tied up with other emails but today i feel like reading it and OMG, what a shocking news!!!
it's a very common title "Organizational Announcement" ..
i thought it's the common annoucement about people leaving and somebody got hired bla bla bla but this is wayyyy beyond my expectation and it's all over the news and in the intermet of course. i'm sure most people talked about it rather than the products my company offered. hahah!!
all i can say, now i know how serious is the SOBC. not that i neglected it all this while but when "he" used to be in the highest position in the company has (forced) resigned because of something that i can't reveal here so, someone like me pon boleh simply kena buang. like my sister said, "even if u have worked hard for the company but because of the silly tiny bitsy shit people will tend to forget all the great things u've done for the company"....
i've never met him personally so, i am in no position to judge him. a lot of rumours in the internet which i do not know whether its true as there were so many versions. afterall they are just rumours rite?
oklah, i nak kena start buat kerja dah and seriously boleh buat filem ni...
wonder who should be the main actor and actresses?
Friday, August 06, 2010
one more month baby....another month...
thinking which cake to choose for my bday this month....
can't wait for my ONE year bday celebrationssss...
do u notice the multiple S??
yes...that's rite!!
this song is for u Mak D...
satu satu lica sayang mak D...
dua dua lica sayang mak D...
tiga tiga juga sayang mak D...
satu dua tiga lica sayang mak D!!!
note from mak D:
I love u too sweetheart!!
note to mak su G and mummy:
sila jelous!!heh!
i have nothing and nothing to wear for "the wedding"...
i have not done my homework yet on what's the best design really suits my badan yg comel ini tp how i wish i boleh pakai something like this....
berangan and keep on berangan....
ni yg i google 5mins lepas so bila i ke google, terus je carik his designs..
bestnya if dapat pakai his baju on "the wedding" day. heh! kalah pulak "the bride"!
so, ni yg i cilok from his FB. actually these were last year Lebaran's collections..yg this year i rasa sure confirm lagi va va voomm voooommmm vooommm!
love the design too!!!
begini juga pasti i nampak cantik nanti...
with my killer heels...confirm i nampak cantek!!
confirm kena bunuh dgn the bride if i dtg mlm tu dgn dress yg begini...
or or or....
i pakai je ape yg ada dlm my wardrobe sbb buat apa pon i nak pakai cantek2 sbb
org nak tgk "the couple" je kan??
and cemana nak dukung my little princess in that baju rite??
Saturday, July 10, 2010
with love for u my dear...
rasa macam chipsmore pulak, "now u see, now u don't". heh!
after few nights bersengkang mata tak tidur berperang dengan closing, at last yesterday i managed to curik2 to do something which i can call as my new hobby (yeker??seriously???). went to giant to get the stuff and tadaaaa!
yup! the kek batik that i wanted so much. this was the 2nd time i tried.
yg 1st time tu try2 with my sister and rasanya sgt sedap!
but this time i tersalah bekas, by rite kena carik smaller one but masa tu sgtlah kelam kabut segala. yelah perempuan ni bukannya pandai masak. so bila tiba2 di dapur sorang2 memang macam orang gila. heh!
but still, i puji jugak diri sendiri sbb rasanya tetap sedap juga walaupun my mom kata if setakat buat kek batik tu, apalah sangat..hahahah!!
and that special kek batik i made specially for my darling.
on the July 6th, it was her 10months birthday and it is a must every month to get her a cake and having the cake cutting ceremony.
and everytime we asked her to cut the cake, she lovesss it!!!
she's so adorable rite!
she's been practicing and i'm sure by the time she reach 1 year, mmg confirm sudah sgt pandai potong bday cake sendiri!
too bad my mom tak ada, or else boleh sama2 potong cake.
what a nice coincidence, this month both wan and her darling cucu celebrated bday on the same day!
cute eh!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
one of my favourites back then...
*yat panggil batik marie tp since skolah lg org ajar i namanya adalah kek batik, so melekat sampai sekarang*
i sgt sukakan choc cake. lagi moist and more chocolate lg i suka. in other words, lg fattening lg i like!! tapi this kek batik is actually my no 1 favourite!!xde kek lain yg boleh lawan tahap keunikan and kesedapannya. pada tekak i lah ye.heh!
i kenal dengan this kek since secondary school- F1 to be exact. the 1st time i tgk my seniors jual this kek batik from dorm to dorm i sangat2 jakun waktu tu. being me yg mmg sgt takut nak try2 benda baru ni, so i rasa secubit je yg my dormate beli. tp bila terkena kat lidah i, terus i menjerit2 panggil senior yg jual tu and borong habis-habisan.
ye!i blame kek batik yg sgt super yummy tu sebab i gemok gedempol masa secondary dulu apart from the nasi kawah..hahahh!!!
if x silap i satu ketul tu dulu2 dijual dgn harga 50sen ke 80sen. x ingat pulak tp yg i ingat i selalu borong pastu kedekut nak share dgn org lain sebab i boleh habiskan within a second yg i borong itu. begitulah hebatnya penangan kek batik ni masa i kat skolah dulu.
so, for 5 yrs kat sana mmg everytime ade je seniors/juniors jual kek batik mmg i lah org yg paling setia memborongnya. i'm so in love with you, kek batik. and one of the reasons i sayang skolah i. hebat ye u kek batik, sebab u pon i boleh jadi rindu kat skolah i.
to yat, terima kasih buat i tetiba teringat kek batik yg i wallap zaman i muda remaja dulu and now i'm craving for it.
should i believe it or not?
it's been 10 days but no call from the installer yet.
i wonder why this happen....
is it because a lot of people in shah alam moving to new houses?
is it because nowadays each house needs more than 2 sets?
or or or
is it because of this below???
again i called her yesterday and asked her the same question
"can i know what is the status of my application?"
and this time i got a different answer
"we are very sorry mam but you have to wait for more than 10 days because we have about 4000 applicants and we are running out of manpower"
wahhh!!!astro is a must have now right. and 4000 applicants?? fuiyyooo!!biar benar.
i guess there's nothing i can do at the moment except be patient and wait for the call.
but being me, i can't live without astro. i can't!
rasa macam otak ni mcm tak jln je bila x dpt tgk all my favourite channels.
so encik astro sila call sy secepat mungkin sbb sy dah sgt tension ni.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
yeay!i can feast my eyes here.....
my BIL kata, normally they will have some sort like opening sale.
yeay!since i'm still looking for a cheap but super gorgeous dining set, probably i can get one from here.
if everyone else loves harvey norman, me on the other hand sgt suka lorenzo. heh!
yup, me always the pelik one. for me, lorenzo is not as expensive as harvey norman but the designs not bad juga. harvey norman is wayyyyy too expensive for me..hihihi!!
anyway, if tak beli pon, boleh jamu mata pon jadilah!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
back in shah alam yoooo!!
as we reached shah alam, my sister dah tunggu at her house to jalan2 cari makan di pasar malam seksyen 6!
dah lama betol i tak pergi pasar malam and bila berjalan2 di sana semalam, mmg macam semua benda nak. and yang paling i suka and menjerit2 kesukaan was when i found my favourite putri ayu! the best yang i pernah jumpa di shah alam ni. tapi yg super best is still from UKM cafe. dgn wanginya, dengan lembutnya, dgn simply sedapnya. hmmmm...mmmg sangat heaven!
even masa tgh jalan2 tu i boleh habiskan 3 ketul. sungguh buruk lantak ye. heh!
*she seems like she didn't enjoy the pasar malam and tangan hampir patah ye bila dukung dia lama2 begini*
gambar2 food tak sempat nak snap sbb semua macam kebulur bila sampai rumah and mengadap segala jenis makanan. heh!
Monday, June 14, 2010
my darling as the ladybird
so comel!
next week, the school holidays will come to its end and i'll be staying in shah alam.
i'll be apart from my darling and will only be able to meet her during the weekend.
pantang nampak org pakai tudung, sure ingat orang nak bawak dia pergi jalan.
orang selalu kata, she's my daughter and i don't mind at all
as i love her so much!
if you're happy and you know it clap your hands
so, i thought why not chilis eh! :) since i've been craving for it for months plus it's very near from our place, lagilah melonjak2 i nak belanja the whole family there.
i just loved Empire Gallery, mainly because my favourite dining place is there!
*dia pulak yang excited lebih!*
*we had our lunch here*
*me, perempuan muka bulat with my sister and cousins*
*si dia sangat suka berjalan2*
*wanita bermuka bulat with her darling*
*si dia with her mummy*
semua orang kenyang and loved the food we ordered. that's the most important.
everything was delicious!
ok, i'm biased as i just loved everything about chilis.
pasti akan ke sini lagi. :)
at last, it was paid off.....
it was a small gathering but rasa seronok sangat.
InsyaAllah, ada rezeki lain lagi nanti boleh buat macam ni lagi. :)
*juga catering saja*
the food was delicious. my sister prepared her ever famous chocolate cake and within a second dah licin segala. the kids loved it.
i can't remember at what time all of us went to bed that nite but i just loved having chit chat with the whole family.
having my grandparents and my aunty from pahang just doubled my happiness.
now, my house is our official port for our family to gather.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
i am so lucky!
semuanya dah selamat.
now, i'm extremely tired but terlalu happy.
i took leave for almost a week.
but everything paid off. heh!
of course my parents are the ones that i should thank to but without this couple,
i won't be able own my dream house.
*my darling sister and her hubby, my BIL*
special thanks to my BIL because he has done so much for me.
i am just lucky. Alhamdulillah!
Friday, June 04, 2010
hope it works on me!
she has banned fast food for months. so, a big no no to fast food ya...
she didn't consume rice during lunch. and for dinner, makan nasi sedikit sahaja.
me? hidup tanpa nasi? bolehkah?
as next 2 weeks there'll be only me and my sister je at my new house, so i guess it will be the best time for me to start on this so called diet. sbb now ni susah kan, tinggal dengan mak, sentiasa aje ada masakan mak yg sgt rugi if tidak dimakan..hehehhe!!
*all images are from google*