Semoga setiap dari kita dapat memanfaatkan bulan yang mulia ini, InsyaAllah.
Selamat Berpuasa! :)
i am not a fashionista.. i am not a baker.. obviously i am not a celebrity!! ... omg! what a boring person i am... by the way, i am just me; an average missy with an average life.. ;)
normally i won't read that type of email on the day itself especially when i'm so tied up with other emails but today i feel like reading it and OMG, what a shocking news!!!
it's a very common title "Organizational Announcement" ..
i thought it's the common annoucement about people leaving and somebody got hired bla bla bla but this is wayyyy beyond my expectation and it's all over the news and in the intermet of course. i'm sure most people talked about it rather than the products my company offered. hahah!!
all i can say, now i know how serious is the SOBC. not that i neglected it all this while but when "he" used to be in the highest position in the company has (forced) resigned because of something that i can't reveal here so, someone like me pon boleh simply kena buang. like my sister said, "even if u have worked hard for the company but because of the silly tiny bitsy shit people will tend to forget all the great things u've done for the company"....
i've never met him personally so, i am in no position to judge him. a lot of rumours in the internet which i do not know whether its true as there were so many versions. afterall they are just rumours rite?
oklah, i nak kena start buat kerja dah and seriously boleh buat filem ni...
wonder who should be the main actor and actresses?
thinking which cake to choose for my bday this month....
can't wait for my ONE year bday celebrationssss...
do u notice the multiple S??
yes...that's rite!!
this song is for u Mak D...
satu satu lica sayang mak D...
dua dua lica sayang mak D...
tiga tiga juga sayang mak D...
satu dua tiga lica sayang mak D!!!
note from mak D:
I love u too sweetheart!!
note to mak su G and mummy:
sila jelous!!heh!