Saturday, July 10, 2010

with love for u my dear...

wow! lama gila tak update! cliche excuse - been occupied with work. what else huh! :)
rasa macam chipsmore pulak, "now u see, now u don't". heh!

after few nights bersengkang mata tak tidur berperang dengan closing, at last yesterday i managed to curik2 to do something which i can call as my new hobby (yeker??seriously???). went to giant to get the stuff and tadaaaa!

i made this!!
yup! the kek batik that i wanted so much. this was the 2nd time i tried.
yg 1st time tu try2 with my sister and rasanya sgt sedap!
but this time i tersalah bekas, by rite kena carik smaller one but masa tu sgtlah kelam kabut segala. yelah perempuan ni bukannya pandai masak. so bila tiba2 di dapur sorang2 memang macam orang gila. heh!

but still, i puji jugak diri sendiri sbb rasanya tetap sedap juga walaupun my mom kata if setakat buat kek batik tu, apalah sangat..hahahah!!

and that special kek batik i made specially for my darling.
on the July 6th, it was her 10months birthday and it is a must every month to get her a cake and having the cake cutting ceremony.
and everytime we asked her to cut the cake, she lovesss it!!!

she's so adorable rite!
she's been practicing and i'm sure by the time she reach 1 year, mmg confirm sudah sgt pandai potong bday cake sendiri!

too bad my mom tak ada, or else boleh sama2 potong cake.
what a nice coincidence, this month both wan and her darling cucu celebrated bday on the same day!
cute eh!

1 comment:

meenyusuf said...

Kek batik!!My Fav..sini takde plaks biskut marie..aduss..