Friday, August 06, 2010


seriously, 3months left??? OMG!! sempat ke??sempat ke??
i have nothing and nothing to wear for "the wedding"...
i have not done my homework yet on what's the best design really suits my badan yg comel ini tp how i wish i boleh pakai something like this....
berangan and keep on berangan....
ni yg i google 5mins lepas so bila i ke google, terus je carik his designs..
bestnya if dapat pakai his baju on "the wedding" day. heh! kalah pulak "the bride"!

so, ni yg i cilok from his FB. actually these were last year Lebaran's collections..yg this year i rasa sure confirm lagi va va voomm voooommmm vooommm!

been thinking to wear dress in one of the events..
tp i ni short and comel je ok ke if i pakai dress begini??
just ada beading kat sleeves and the neck..
simple and nice...

if begini pakai during the reception...sgt sesuai rasanya...
senang nak berlari ke sana and kemari...
again, i ni pendek orangnya..bolehkah??

ahhhhhhh!!!mau dress begini juga tapi long sleeves...
sgt suka ini dress....will i look more gorgeous than the bride???
ehemm ehem....

if pakai begini on the "nikah day"??
simple but simply gorgeous bukan??
yg penting boleh berlari ke sana ke mari....

ini juga another option for the nikah/reception...
juga cantek but i won't opt for the songket material..
pasti overshadow the bride nanti..hahahah!!

ermmmm...nope...x suka sgt tp masih boleh dipertimbangkan...
actualy cantek juga kan kan??

love the colour combination!!
love the design too!!!
begini juga pasti i nampak cantik nanti...
with my killer heels...confirm i nampak cantek!!
or perhaps something like this???
confirm kena bunuh dgn the bride if i dtg mlm tu dgn dress yg begini...

or or or....
i pakai je ape yg ada dlm my wardrobe sbb buat apa pon i nak pakai cantek2 sbb
org nak tgk "the couple" je kan??
and cemana nak dukung my little princess in that baju rite??


Mummy H. said...

my gawd.i love all.

Ermayum said...

mak D ja la kahwin sebab baju mak D glamor habis :)

diana sidek said...

adek: cantek kan designs which one should i wear on d big day?hehhehe

erma: erma, itu hanyalah d end sure i pakai baju kurung yg ada je..heheh!!nanti i invite u tau erma!

Sabarina said...

fuh!!! kompem kalah pengantin nnti. ekekeke:D
btw, pendek is not the limitation utk u tak pakai sume baju2 itu okeh. i pon pendek seangkatan jek dgn u. in fact lagi pendek & lagi gemok. tp belasah aje... :)
baju2 tuh sume gojes!!!!

CiKaYu said...

diana, semua design tu cantik2 belaka. u nak berlari kemana, pengantin harus duduk diam2 sambil snyum tgk kamera...