Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Should I?

Lately some of my friends are so nice informed me about few interesting job openings. Some are from the companies that I've wanted to work with for so long. Ermm..apakah aku tidak happy dengan kerja ku sekarang? Oh no!no!no! I am happy but to me it's no harm trying to search and hunt for other jobs especially in different fields with attractive remuneration packages! Ermm, it sounds macam aku ni tamak je kan but since I'm still young (perasan!) I really love to lompat lompat kerja. Tapi if nasib aku baik and called for interview sure tersemput semput juga nak explain bab yang lompat lompat kerja. Anyway, aku still in the process updating my resume. This is the part that I hate the most tapi goreng sajalah. Definitely I did not put any hope, as Mak selalu kata if benda tu dah memang rezeki kita sure Allah akan permudahkan segalanya. Yang penting kite berusaha, berdoa dan bertawakal. Kalau dapat aku bersyukur sangat tapi if tak dapat bersyukur juga sebab aku masih ada kerja.

I had the most difficult week in my life last week. I was away from the office for almost the whole week. Nanti aku update in later post lah ye. Okay people, let's pray semoga hari esok lebih colourful as compared to today.

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