Thursday, August 13, 2009


Just imagine, if you were in my shoe ok. You woke up at 5am and niat dalam hati ingin bekerja lebih rajin and more efficient tapi disurprise kan with this kind of email! Dahlah at that time, you were half awake and mata sebelah je yang mampu bukak because you were having difficulties to sleep at nite! Marah tak? Oh, saya sangat marah. Sangat sangat marah! OK, I admit memang I was overreact with this situation but here are the reasons ya kawan kawan:

1) She copied VPs! Is she crazy or what?? Ermm..maybe lah!

2) This email was forwarded by someone else to me and asked my jasa baik to find out the solution. Oh ya people! It was sent to me LAST WEEK!! And not 3 weeks as what she had claimed ya!

3) I took the initiative to talk to the Procurement team to help her out during my hectic schedule during closing. By right, she needs to deal with them directly!

4) Then I was asked to lodge a report to Vendor Payable team pulak. The ticket number was raised automatically, so you have to wait till they responded to you ok! But, that team only responded to me 3/4 days later! Was it my fault?

5) "Please escalate!" - Amboi! Menggelegak perasaan aku at that time. Was she blind? Aku cuba sedaya upaya even it was out of my job scope ok. Aku buat dengan ikhlas sebab aku pun nak jugak tau what is the solution. I've tried my best and this is what I get in return!

I was really damn upset so aku pun forward that email to my Manager. I had to since she copied VPs ya! And I have to jaga my nama baik. As I expected, it was not my fault at all. As I said, she should deal with the Procurement Team herself! And my very dear Manager had responded her kaw kaw and copied me. Senyap terus after tu! Tak bising bising dah.

For the past one year, this is the 1st time aku jumpa with this kind of people. Yup, I am very lucky! All of my business partners are Americans and they are all very nice and helpful to me except that lady! So, memang terkejut terbangak lah bila dapat email orang kata aku tak buat kerja! Aku memang sangat pantang if orang claim aku tak buat kerja because I always remember my very good friend cum a dear sister reminded me we are paid to do our work, so we MUST complete the work excellently. Itulah pegangan hidup aku sampai bila bila.

Yes, aku pernah kena lebih dahsyat dari yang ni. If compared to this email, apa yang aku pernah hadap dulu lebih horror sampai termenangis pun ada. Ye, sebab dahsyat sgt. (Kak Umi, you know what I'm talking about kan? Hahahh!). So this kind of surprise patutnya macam kacang je aku handle tapi over pulak aku kali ni.

So, whatever lah kan. I won't let this kind of thing affect me! Never OK! Tapi macam sedih jugak lah semalam. Hahahha!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah..kita memang penah kena lebih teruk dari nie...
tapi, as always...this will always make us stronger...
sungguh terharu diana still ingat kata2 akak...:)

N A N I E said...

Vendor mana tuh? sangat sarcastic..Huh..

:: LadyVerde + Mr.Doc :: said...

part n parcel of working life bebeh :)
kan best klo jadi tai tai je kannn then lepak kat the loaf makam uhuhu je kan :D yummmm yummm

diana sidek said...

Yes Kak Umi, ni xde apa sgt compared to zaman dulu2 kan?Hahha!Just ter emo lebih sket...Finally! Dah boleh post comment..heheh

Actually Nanie, that's one of my business partners. Luckily I selalunya tak deal dgn dia. Ni kira one time thing je. Lucky me eh!

Hahah!!How I wish boleh macam tu LV. Tapi if makan uhuhu everyday, bertambah tambah "comel" pulak I! Now ni pun my dad dah complain kata I sudah gemuk lah Verde.hihihi!