Thursday, June 03, 2010

beautiful lines on my cheeks

luckily i don't have to attend the weddingssss with my parents this coming weekend as mak has already got plans for me to settle most stuff with some people for my house. lucky lucky! u know i hate attending those weddings of my parents' friends as i'll be asked the ever famous question. hahah!!but lucky lucky me, my ayah is the one who would answer that. love u!

and if my parents wanted me to go with them i'll still have valid reason for not going - their darling cucu had scratched my face today and it was really bad! mummy, if you're reading this - this time is the worst! i'm sure you know how deep is my love for that budak kecik but it's like her hobby to scratch my face. her favourite part is my cheeks. now dah ada this long line scratch yg i sendiri tgk pon macam nak nangis. and the weird part, i je yang dia suka geram2 sampai habis muka i digenggam and di scratch sampai i terpaksa jerit mintak tlg. what have i done till i got those souvenirs from my darling allysha. try to be +ve, i think i'm always the chosen one because she loves me more than her mummy. heh!
so it looks like i akan berkurung di rumah saja until the mark faded away....


Lady of Leisure said...

kesiannya.. kene scratch mesti sakit kan... takpe2, sehari dua ni insyaAllah sembuh...

Mummy H. said...

saye sudah kene malam tadi. kesian lica kene marah dengan maksu die

N A N I E said...

Yanaaaaaa..comelnyer kene scratch ngan baby! hehe dan pandai dah die :)..takpe..u tetap mantain cun!

screamingmommy said...

u letak laa vit e cream, rajin2 sikit ye beb:) what a daughter allysha just got scratched on her cheeks..thanks to darling sister aryyana. Poor her it's very visible.

Ermayum said...

alal sracth 2 pun still cun apa :)

mummy said...

Jangan marah2 Lica. Sian die. Mummy n Daddy jauh