Tuesday, June 22, 2010

should i believe it or not?

rasanya dulu2 satu hari dah dapat segalanya but it's different now...

it's been 10 days but no call from the installer yet.

i wonder why this happen....
is it because a lot of people in shah alam moving to new houses?
is it because nowadays each house needs more than 2 sets?
or or or
is it because of this below???

hmmm..probably ya...

again i called her yesterday and asked her the same question
"can i know what is the status of my application?"

and this time i got a different answer
"we are very sorry mam but you have to wait for more than 10 days because we have about 4000 applicants and we are running out of manpower"

wahhh!!!astro is a must have now right. and 4000 applicants?? fuiyyooo!!biar benar.

i guess there's nothing i can do at the moment except be patient and wait for the call.
but being me, i can't live without astro. i can't!
rasa macam otak ni mcm tak jln je bila x dpt tgk all my favourite channels.

so encik astro sila call sy secepat mungkin sbb sy dah sgt tension ni.


Ermayum said...

takkanla sampai 10 days and 4000? bukan dia subcon ke sapa2 ja ke heheh sabar duk la menikmati rumah baru walls and lantai dulu":)

diana sidek said...

ye u!!i pon terkejut jugak.yg ni i called terus astro's telemarketer.mmg diorg kata now ni dah lembab.if i register kat luar. lg worse. they will install but the service is after 14 days!gila kan??

zarin said...

wehhh lamanya ye!
kesian u...kalai i pun i tkleh dok kalau tkleh layan my feveret channel

diana sidek said...

sgt2 lama!sgt2 super bosan.i x boleh lah hidup without astro..hehhe

Nana said...

Aisyioh! that laku a?? oooo the gov should allow another company lah to offer satellite TV. Monopoly is NOT good!!!

diana sidek said...

thats y lah nana, terlampau laku so they can treat us like this.but now TM is having something like astro but still depends on the broadband and usage. i haven't dig in details yet but kat msia ni if benda baru2 mcm ni sure x stable.so i dont want to take the risk.

Drama Mama said...

hahaha nasib la i nih CAN live without astro. i just can't live without internet. lembab otak jadinya. hiks

tapi dasat ah sampai 10 days! ramai betul applicants ek????


diana sidek said...

internet tu pon betol juga u tp i mmg dah biasa sambil bloghopping sambil2 tgk tv.so bila xde tu mcm incomplete je keje yg i buat..hehehhe..anyway bkn 10days pulak dah probably longer than that!sgt tensi!

Lady of Leisure said...

ya ampun lamanya kene tunggu...

diana sidek said...

ye lady!i bisa gila tunggu lama begini lama..hehehhe!!

N A N I E said...

lamanyaaaaaa...INI boleh mendatangkan marah!