Friday, June 04, 2010

hope it works on me!

lately ni i asyik non stop je makan. memang tak dapat nak tolak any type of food yang orang offer. hmmm..very very bad and very very serious ya. my goal now is to have a supermodel figure by nov. must have ok! so, need to work hard lah i guess. really extra hard as my current figure seperti tak tau nak describe macam mana dah.

so, i have about 6 mths to achieve that goal and my sister who is currently seperti sekeping papan figurenya claimed that her so called diet works on her. i'm thinking to apply the same type of diet and pretty sure it will work on me too. hahah!! at this point of time, i'll do anything to get the supermodel figure by nov.

so, what's her secret?

she has banned fast food for months. so, a big no no to fast food ya...
can i ?

she didn't consume rice during lunch. and for dinner, makan nasi sedikit sahaja.

me? hidup tanpa nasi? bolehkah?

as next 2 weeks there'll be only me and my sister je at my new house, so i guess it will be the best time for me to start on this so called diet. sbb now ni susah kan, tinggal dengan mak, sentiasa aje ada masakan mak yg sgt rugi if tidak dimakan..hehehhe!!

*all images are from google*


Unknown said...

Hhihi pakai je PB automatically kureng selera makan :D

Lady of Leisure said...

i susah betul hidup tanpa nasi... at least tengahari walau skit pun kene makan gak.. pagi n malam i try to controlhehe

Yat Maria said...

without rice...thats least for me la..pulak nak kena masak for family..tak dak nasi, ku bantai roti..carbo jugak tu..camna nak turun kan my weight ni..

Ermayum said...

nasi is delicious :)- your are not fat and your are already pretty - with make up and all you will look gorjes - but if you have to - go on if it makes you happy hheheh i wish u lots of lucks:D

Ashikin said...

mknnnn je. xpyh tahan2. nanti smpai mood xnak mkn, mesti xde selera nampak apa2 pon..

N A N I E said...

Yanaaaaa...dah kuruuuusss lagi mau diet keeee? ces..

IreneYaya said...

I am on diet too! Still surviving and in 5 days, I lost 2kg! That's a great move kan?

CiKaYu said...

good luck i tak npk pun u berisi..kurus adaler...

Nana said...

hmmm the key is to makan banyak kali but sikit2. space out the food. fast diet selalunye temporary.. atleast for me lah. Tak tau lah orang lain camne :D