Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Anyah ni JIWANG??!!

Kenapakah aku dilabel begitu oleh Cikabi? Am I? Nope! Of course aku tak suka bile dilabel begitu. Tapi salah ke kalau aku suka bacaan yang begitu? Emosi pula tiba tiba. Oh, so you people are also agree with Cikabi? Wait UhuHu Girl, apakah yang anda mengarut ini?

OK, this is why Cikabi called me Jiwang.

Yes! I do love reading Malay novels. I mean why not? Almost 24hrs especially during month end close week, I have to deal with all the Mat Saleh and converse in English all the time. In the office since majority are non Malays, so again I need to cakap English aje. So UhuHu Girl, you're saying your English is so powerful lah ye? Kehkehkeh! No, my English is just average but penatlah cakap English je! So, because of that aku suka pembacaan Melayu tetapi aku prefer baca novel. Kenapa?

Aku suka berangan. (If Cikabi and Chabi Kukumbi read this sure both of them gelakkan aku!). It's just feel syiok to read on how the author create the characters in those novels and the storyline. As if macam aku pulak the heroine and the hero macam head over heels je sentiasa dekat the heroine. Wow! alangkah syioknya if betul betul macam itu. Come on UhuHu Girl! Wake up! Back to reality please!! OK fine, most of the jalan cerita actually almost the same but the way they write it, ermm..aku suka! I just love it. Fullstop! Seriously aku tak pandai buat book review ye and this entry is not about those books that I read.

Those are the books that I bought early this month and I read all of them during month end close! Gila ke apa aku ni? Luckily it's the beginning of a quarter - not so busy if compared to quarter end. If during quarter end, pengsan nak completekan closing after dah spent time baca novel Melayu pulak! Luckily none of my colleagues know the existence of this blog especially my manager. If not - kantoi! Kehkehkeh!

What I'm trying to say, I'm not shy to say that during my so called free time I loveeee reading Novel Melayu yang Cikabi kata jiwang itu. In fact, early next month I'm going to buy more and more and more!

Anyway, if you wanted to know which among of those I love the most? The award definitely goes to "Kenangan Terindah" by Hezzy Azra. I have read it 3 times and plan to read it lagi. Ye, if aku suka sangat that's what I would do. Until now, belum bagi Ayong baca lagi. Sabar ye Ayong! You will definitely get the chance to read it soon. ;)

OK, I need to focus on Desperate Houwewives!! Choikin people! ;)

1 comment:

Hezzy Azra... said...

Thank you for reading and enjoying Kenangan Terindah...i really appreciate it!