Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lean Six Sigma

Wah!! Why my entry is so skema today? :) I had a full day training - for 9 hours!! OK, exaggerate pula aku ni.. but still, minus out 1 hour 20 mins for break so that left us for 7 hours 40 mins. Dah kenapa buat maths calculation pulak dah! Just imagine people, for almost 8 hours aku menatap itu instructor. If handsome tu, best lah sikit kan kira macam ada daya penarik and motivation untuk aku enjoy itu training but unfortunately he's a bit old. So, tak best lah! But I like his eyes though, ocean blue (pandai pandai je aku bagi nama color). Serius, before ni bila Mat Saleh berlambak lambak kat office tak pernah pula aku tengok mata yang begitu cantik or maybe aku tak begitu menatap mereka jadi tak notice the color of their eyes. But this instructor memang aku suka mata dia. Baby sayang, nanti aunty nak mata baby color macam itu ye sayang.. Sukahati aku je nak macam tu. (Ayong! Sila tatap mata Mat Saleh yang ocean blue ok!) Terkeluar topik sikit.

Not to worry, I don't plan to share the inputs I got from the training ye people. At 1st, memang aku was like "Arghhh!!" "Malasnya!" "Huh? Training lagi?". Tapi yang bestnya bila aku tau the training will be held for 9 hrs terus aku macam "What?? Adoi!! Nonsense!! Then I can't leave at 2pm as usual!". Ye, aku memang seorang yang -ve dan tidak tahu bersyukur. Sepatutnya aku bersyukur because company is willing to invest money in me to attend this training. So, dengan separuh hati yang terpaksa and dalam hati memang dah target nak buat apa in the training - tidur, berangan, make to do list for tomorrow and bla bla bla. Dahlah aku dok disuruh change seat je kerja, lagilah membara perasaan marah aku. Chewah!

Training session began.. And guess what, terkejut gila aku bila the instructor tu kata "OK, let's take a break for 10mins". From that moment aku tau, actually I enjoyed the training. The instructor was good and frankly I've never enjoyed any training like this before. Wah! Benarkah aku ini? I think the only reason was because the activities that he had after each session was really fun. And perhaps I'm so lucky this time to have a team that was very cooperative, supportive and fun to the max! Each activity was executed brilliantly! Ye, eventhough 1st time we were grouped in one team but the chemistry is there. I'm so happy because it is very rare for me to have this kind of team in a training. So, I am so overjoyed and excuse me ye. Kehkehkeh!

The end of the training, the instructor gave us an SOP and we have to deliver the task based on that. And guess what was it? A paper plane! I really wanted to snap the photo but my teammate was asking us if she can have it to give it to her daughter and I did not bring my camera. I can't be so cruel to kids kan? So, dengan berat hati aku pun kata OK. I can't use my phone to snap snap because it is so canggih that there's no space for memory dah. Kehkehkeh! Macam zaman kanak kanak dulu dulu buat kapal terbang kertas macam itu. Sangat seronok kan? Boleh tak dalam banyak banyak yang aku belajar hari ni, paper plane tu yang meninggalkan kesan dalam diri aku ni. Heh! Tipu je. A lot of inputs I got and still dalam otak aku ni. Hopefully it stays there forever.

So people don't be like me yeah. Be +ve and don't jump into conclusion too early. ;)

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