Monday, June 15, 2009

Simple Yummy Chocolate Cake

I told my Cikabi suddenly I felt like I wanted to eat chocolate cake so badly yesterday. At 1st she ignored me but then senyap senyap she went down and checked on all the ingredients if they were available and it was really my rezeki! Yahooo!!! Cikabi is so awesome!! :)

Since this blog is not a blog about masakan and resipi, so I won't put any recipe ye... Hanyalah gambar sebagai bukti Cikabi baked the cake yesterday. The original recipe was from my Mak but we have no idea when Cikabi yang baked the cake it will turn out so yummy, so lembut, so sedap - yummy tu kira sedap lah kan, so do not know how to describe lah.

Menunggu dengan penuh ketidaksabaran nya... Sampai kol 3.30 ptg baru aku solat Zuhur. Bagai hailintar suara emak bila tahu aku and Cikabi tidak solat lagi!
Yehooo!!! Dah boleh makan!!! Cepat cepat keluarkan Cikabi, eh nope! Mak yang keluarkan the cake because once Mak datang dapur terus semua orang dah tak tahu nak buat apa. Heheh!!

Yes, gambar makan tak payah lah ye sebab macam kebuluran sangat..Kehkehkeh!

Yup, that was our main activity on Sunday apart from me spent time melipat baju. Oh yes, I am so fussy bila melipat baju. The measurement for each baju must be exact..yup I repeat, MUST be EXACT. Everyone in my family awares of that and they were so tensed when I measure everytime I fold one baju and if it doesn't fulfill my criteria, then I will refold the baju. I am not OCD but when it comes to melipat baju, I am fussy! No one, yes no one will ever meet my criteria. Cikabi tried before but senyap senyap aku lipat balik baju yang dia dah lipat for me.

Eiyaaa UhuHu Girl! You are out of topic lah! Opppss... enough! ;)

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