Thursday, May 06, 2010

darling, 8 months...time flies...

it was on sunday, 6 sept dad still lagi tetap dengan pendirian dia "cucu ayah lelaki ni" although we've told him, "no, confirmed ayah it's a girl". he said, scan tu bukannya accurate sgt..and we were like.."ok, let's just wait and see ok". malas dah nak argue whether it's a boy or girl because me and my sister were so excited to become an aunty-finally!my dad nak sgt cucu lelaki after having 3 beautiful daughters. US! hihih!!

*Allysha on the day she was borned, 6 Sept 2009*

me and my sister kejap2 bangun, duduk, tried to be near as possible (both of us terpacak dekat luar labour room since only the husband je yg boleh masuk - tak aci!) and wanted to be the 1st to get the news. at 11.47am (ayong, correct me if i'm wrong) abg asri, my BIL called and told us everything went smoothly, it's a baby girl and my sister pun selamat, i cried. then we waited outside the nursery (bilik tu dipanggil nursery kan?) and when the nurse bukak the curtain, there's my Nur Allysha Safeeya; extremely fair (sungguh x sangka), she opened her eyes as if she greeted us, and she was so fragile and definitely so so comel. i cried! besarnya kuasa Allah, indahnya ciptaanNya. and the funniest part was, my Ayah was the happiest person that day. he was kept saying to everybody "saya dah jadi atuk, tu cucu saya. cucu saya putih, comel". ye, atuk yg sungguh proud yg at 1st hanya nak cucu lelaki tp lihat sekarang, balik kerja je mesti cium cucu kesayangan dia dulu.

*Allysha after 8mths; very cheeky and sgt2 manja. blame it on us*

yeah, that was the happiest moment in my life. i know i'm not her birth mom but i love her as much her mummy does. i've never been apart from her for too long. paling lama pon for 4 days because i went visited my aunty in pahang. i don't know if tak dapat jumpa dia lama sure i jadi kurus as i need to kiss and hug her every second!
and today she's already 8months old.
time really flies.
Allysha darling, you are the greatest gift to our family darling.
i love you so much, my darling princess!
happy 8mths old.


hazeleyed lady said...

Allah bless Diana and cute chubby Allysya.

mummy said...

This is so beautiful. I almost cried! Had to control sbb kat ofis.

Mummy loves u so much, Allysha..muaahhhhhh

Mummy H. said...

ade yg die gelak happy tuh kenapa tidak diletak disini?

ni macam muka bosan je. he he he

Lady of Leisure said...

comelnya such a beautiful baby girl..

Ermayum said...

happy mother's day to you the not the birth mother but with the real love :)

Eti said...

oh so adorable!!!!!!!

Ashikin said...

comelnya allysha! semoga aunty diana ni dpt sorang lg yg mcm allysha tp sendiri punya :D

diana sidek said...

hazeleyed lady: thank u sis!

mummy:really? thank u2!

adek:tlg sket ek..semua gambar allysha semuanya comel belaka ye..

Lady: thanks dear!

Ermayum: thanks alot erma. happy mother's day to u too dear

Eti: thank u!!

Ashikin: opppss!!yg tu mcm susah sket lah shikin..happy mother's day to u too darling

Ella said...

happy 8th mths allysha..

Untung allysha ada untie sebaik diana..

bonda chahaya said...

ala bam bam tul .... rasa nk gigit je ... skrang ni dia pakai size baju apa ye ...chahaya pun sm susah tul nak cari size ...beli yg 6-12 pun dah tk muat ...huhu

diana sidek said...

Ella: thanks dear!yes, she is very lucky. i like your kitchen cabinet anyway!

tinee: dalam gambar dia macam extra bam bam sket..hihih..bila nak jumpa chahaya ni tinee!!

tinee said...

bila2 pun boleh ....tinee pun nak jumpa dgn your little darling .... since diana nak move to ne=w house, n i guess sure nak wat house warming kan ....ahaks ... boleh la jumpa ...heheheh