Thursday, May 06, 2010

i MUST have it! NO! i NEED it!

everytime i kerja malam, my darling makteh memang by default akan sediakan a mug of coffee for her darling niece ni supaya i dapat bertahan sampai ke pagi. i loveeeee coffee but i always refrain myself from having it daily. konon2 tak baik untuk kesihatan kononnya ye..
*pic googled saja sebab mcm mengada je nak tunjuk gambar coffee air tangan sendiri*

tapi last nite, my Makteh slept early so that's means no coffee for me. u knowlah after 3 consecutive nites stayed up until the next morning so a mug of coffee is a must have! nak tak nak, i pergi kitchen, masak air and there was i termenung cemana ye nak buat coffee ni. there!!i dah memalukan diri i.hihih!! maybe terlebih manja and mengada sampai buat air sendiri pun tak reti. but clap clap clap last nite finally for the 1st time ever i dah berjaya made my own mug of coffee. i suka yg a bit bitter and not too sweet and of course it must be superhot or else i takkan minum. and my coffee last nite ada all the criteria. yippie me! i was so proud of myself. and bila i naik atas, my Makteh terjaga pulak and she tasted my coffee and wooowwweee she said "sedap, pandai pun buat air"...hahahh!!! again clap clap clap! bila dah desperate semua pon pandai..
ye, mak2 mertua di luar sana bersyukur lah anda kerana saya bukan menantu anda ye!


Eti said...

I lurrrrrve coffee!! 1st time pregnant refrain habis, 2nd and 3rd, minum je.... 1 cup a day, mmg ok kan??? :-)

diana sidek said...

Eti: yup!hihi!samalah kt!mmg life mcm incomplete je if x dpt a cup of coffee everyday..