Tuesday, May 18, 2010

this is just between u and me....

Alhamdulillah! My mom enjoyed the subway sandwich and she assured me that she would definitely dine here again. Yeay! It’s really difficult to please my mom ok.. She’s very fussy! So, bila once a while tempat makan yg we all suggest dia suka, kira kami hebat lah kiranya…hihih!!
We left Masalam in hurry jugak as we had appointment with our contractor to meet up at my house. And after couple of hours discussed few stuff, then suddenly we realized my mom’s purse macam “missing”. My mom was extremely panicked and muka memang dah pucat sesangat dah and so was I actually… My BIL asked his wife to teman me pergi balik ke subway masalam utk tracked balik where is the missing purse. Otw tu, segala macam doa I baca sebab dalam kepala I terbayang muka my dad je..hahahah!!!

And…….my mom was so super lucky!!Alhamdulillah!! The Manager found my mom’s purse and simpankan for us. Alhamdulillah! Memang my mom non stop recite Alhamdulillah sbb mmg she some sort like dah redha if purse tu dah hilang…

So itulah cerita menarik kami pada ptg tadi and will remain as our “little” secret which will never be revealed to my dad…

SHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh!!!! :)

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