Monday, May 03, 2010

i love my boss but......

boss yang baik dan memahami tu penting kan? errmmm...i think that's the main and only reason i'm still doing this job. i always adore people yang boleh stay in a company for 20 or sometimes 30yrs!OMG! i nak tahan for 3 yrs pon tak boleh. maybe i haven't find the right company for me kot. eceh! macam lah bagus sangat i ni.

last year i got an offer from my previous company to rejoin them but after talking to my dear manager, he revealed my performance appraisal and i terus ternganga because i'd never expected to get that good..i mean really really good rating. at that time he shouldn't do that because it's still too early but sbb nak pujuk i, pecah rahsia terus. then again this year i got another offer. i was really excited because finally i'll have a chance to do something new. again, i told my manager i got an offer and i wanted to accept it but he really pujuk me and he made an offer as well which again i can't resist. aiyookkk!! i rasa dia ada pakai ilmu kot. hahahah!!!
since i joined this company alot of things happened actually. i mean all the bad ones ya..i would say 2009 was the most challenging year for me especially before Allysha was borned.

1. rumah my parents kena masuk pencuri while me and my dad je at home at that time (until now i can remember every second of the horrifying moment), 1 week my manager asked me to stay at home with unrecorded leave until i betul2 rasa ok

2. then my dad admitted few times, my atuk pulak sakit teruk-very very critical but he survived and I believe Allah still bagi chance for him to meet with Allysha. again, my manager gave me flexibility to do my work

3. i admitted for one week due to serious viral conjunctivitis and again i dapat cuti free one week plus he asked me to work from home if still tak sihat

so because all these, i tak carik kerja seriously. my sisters always said, i am very lucky and i agree to that. he's the best and i really really like him so much and i do owe him. but middle of this year i'll be a permanent resident of shah alam and i want to find a job that is within shah alam if possible or within damansara is still acceptable. malas nak drive jauh2 dah and nak kerja normal hours macam orang lain juga. frankly i really really feel exhausted.

so, as the conclusion should i stay as my manager loves me so much (perasan) and i know he will really jaga me or should i find another job yang lagi dekat dgn rumah, better pay of course tapi boss macam entah apa2? the answer is, time will tell, :D tapi rasanya i ni mata duitan. if ayah baca ni, sure kena lecture panjang as he loves telling me "money is not everything my dear".

*pics googled*


Ermayum said...

iya baik sungguh yr boss. i da keje 10% dekad belum pernah jumpa org tak berkira cam tu selalunya kita korban utk office time kita susah kena kutuk la amek cuti lelama tak ingat langsung kebaikan kita

dear i pun pernah umah masuk pencuri i kat atas nanti i blog k:)

diana sidek said...

Ermayum: mmg pon u, he's so nice. not sure amm the americans mcm tu jugak ke apa but my boss tu mmg baek sesgt.u pon pernah kena erma?until now i phobia tau.nanti u buat entri psl tu ye.apa kata u buat NOW! :D