Saturday, May 29, 2010

life without plastic bag...can i?

honestly i just don't care about recycle and reuse. but this morning when my sister ajak pergi giant beli some groceries stuff and saw her brought along the "eco-friendly bag" i ternganga sekejap sebab i know dia pon macam i. heh! suddenly she has changed? after she told me that saturday is actually plastic bag-free day (ada ke such word?) in selangor i was "ohhhhh" and i know immediately i need to get one for my own use juga.

i like hers because its super spacious, sturdy and super super cheap (very important eh?). bila i yang bawak masa jalan2 tadi i rasa macam cool juga bila jalan2 bawak this eco-friendly bag. see, i am easily influenced by my darling sister. so, since she has one, i must have one too.

why i didn't support the "love earth" campaign? the reason is i need those plastic bags from any hypermarket because in the end i'll reuse those as my plastic buang sampah. i always wonder people yang tak pakai plastik tu, bila buang sampah macammana ye, at least your leftovers tu where did u throw them?

but now, i think i want to change and it's about time, if i can't change 100% at least sikit2 pon boleh kan?:)


Shopaholic Mama said...

good for you. but for me, I always tend to forget to bring along 1. lagipun selalu misplace them, and like you, I always think that I need the plastic bags for my rubbish too...hehe

Ermayum said...

heheh beli la plastic sampah yang itam tu dear :)

Lady of Leisure said...

i selalu lupa nak bawak tau, lucky i jarang beli barang over the weekend hehehe

diana sidek said...

Shopaholic Mama: yup!so true i need those utk buang sampah. :)

Ermayum: erma, i ni kedekut. so i nak plastik yg boleh dpt free je..heheh!!

LoL: bila i dah ade nanti, entah2 i pon selalu lupa bwak..heheh!!

ninoamigo said...

OMG, your blog entry is here too...