Tuesday, May 11, 2010

fairuz, it was such a gorgeous wedding! TQ babe!

*the wedding invitation card*

speechless! yes that was my 1st impression when i walked in to the ballroom..everything was just PERFECT! i love every single thing about fai and naqi's wedding.

1) PERFECT couple - my gorgeous friend, fairuz diyana and the handsome husband, naqiuddin

2) PERFECT dress - the dress OMG!! simple but super super super gorgeous! me and my sister were almost correct in guessing who tailored the dress....nampak sgt i pun dah terjangkit penyakit bridezillas!! i can tell segala designers punya trademarks..

3) PERFECT PERFECT pelamin - i almost cried when i saw the pelamin! with all the fresh flowers, PERFECT colour combination, PERFECT design, PERFECT sofa on the pelamin, oh! it was so so beautiful! again, me and my sister guessed it right who did the pelamin. yeah, both of us adore the vendor for the pelamin. sungguh indah, awesome, gorgeous, over the top!

4) PERFECT meja beradab - ahhhh!! again, say no more lah ye. since the same vendor that designed the pelamin so of course the meja beradab pun super perfect gorgeous juga...the choice of flowers; roses and orchids are just PERFECT!

5) FERFECT favours - i love both favours, yup, normal packaging but the chocolate OMG sgt lah super super yummeh! if only i knew it was filled with choc i would definitely went to each empty seats and angkut all the boxes with chocolates. yeah, sometimes i can be buruk lantak!

6) PERFECT food - i'm not sure if it's only us; me and my sis were starving to death that nite but the food was so yummeh! i love the daging and that reminds me of my sis future MIL's rendang daging. superb! i wanted to have 2nd round but all the lauk sudah licin...sob sob!

i am so malas to godek2 FB my friends to get better photos and i am so thrilled to update about this wedding. so all the photos here were taken from my camera. so it may not do the justice from what I was thrilled about. :)

*our table - lucky no 80*

*the favours*

*the beautiful couple*

*the gorgeous couple on the superb pelamin*

*did i mention i love the dress????*

*the beautiful decorated rostrum*

*the meja beradab*

*superb menu*

*me with gorgeous friends*

*finally this cute little boy; Ezham aka Shid's son who didn't want to let go off me*

dear fairuz and naqi, if it happened that you read this entry, i want you to know that i am so happy for both of you. you are perfect for each other and thank you for having us to witness your big day! i wish you both bahagia sampai berjumpa di syurga ye!

i had so much fun that nite...:)


Jabberholic said...

Nice baju dear!

:: LadyVerde + Mr.Doc :: said...

gorgeous wedding indeed...jovian for the dress n nas for the pelamin kan :D

diana sidek said...

Jabberholic : u are talking about the bride's baju kan? yeah!!sgt cantek!mmg expected lah sbb the designer mmg superb. :)

Verde: ok, full marks Verde!hihih!!at 1st me and my sis kata Cosry or Lynda Rahim. u mmg pandailah Verde! :)