Tuesday, May 25, 2010

i am an irresponsible daughter

definitely not something i am proud of. until today i feel really guilty of what happened last saturday. i don't know what was on my mind at that time or dimanakah mataku when it happened. i was supposed pegang my dad masa berjaan2 tu as his eyesight was blur and i did, i think. then entah macammana, masa nak turun tangga tu my dad jatuh! i repeat my dad jatuh! under my care. can u imagine how i felt? i always kutuk org yg biar je parents diorg yg tua jalan sorg2 and tak dipegang but now it happened to me and worse, my dad jatuh. it was about 5-6 steps jugaklah. after my dad jatuh tu, i mcm tergamam kejap and just stood there doing nothing. i was really bad, really bad, evil daughter! my youngest sister was really angry at me and i didnt argue as it was my fault, i know. then now my dad punya pinggang sakit sikit, then kaki dia pon mcm tu, lagilah bertambah2 rasa guilty. dah banyak kali i kata "sorry ayah" but i know its not enough and there's no way i can turn back the time.
moral of the story; i'll be extra careful next time and pay attention to him whenever i'm with him.


N A N I E said...

Jangan blame diri u Yana..no!
kalau diberi pilihan..u nak ke tengok ayah u jatuh? Tak Kan???
so maksudnya you tak sengaja..biasa la kekadang kita terleka..hope everything akan pulih seperti biasa..:)

Lady of Leisure said...

i agree dengan nanie... kita tak nak benda cam ni jadi tapi kalau tak sengaja apa nak buat kan.. hope yr dad punya kesihatan akan bertambah baik

diana sidek said...

Nanie and LoL: thanks sgt and mmg betol i pon x nak jd mcm tu tp bila dah jd tu, i rasa mcm berdosa sgt...probably it takes time kot nak buang that guilty feelings...

Ermayum said...

dah nak jadi dont feel so guilty - be careful next time :)