Wednesday, May 26, 2010

i am getting old...

no, i'm not in denial. in fact i'm happy each day knowing that i'm getting old as there are so many things i've accomplished and owned which i've never thought i would at this age. million thanks to my parents. love u both!

ok, that's not what i feel like writing today. intro mcm out of topic pula ye.

this has been going on for few months and i think i'm getting problem is - i have trouble to sleep at nite.

paling awal i boleh masuk tidur is around 2am then bukan terus dapat tidur. try extremely hard nak lelapkan mata but end up berguling2 then tgk2 dah pukul 4am. by right at 5am i dah kena bangun start bekerja but macammana nak bgn kan if at 4am mata still lagi segar.

it's really really bad i know. i think it happened because of my yo-yo working hours. i did asked the doctor and he assured me it's normal and nothing i should worry about.

so bila i malam tak boleh tidur i tend to buat kerja at nite and u boleh agaklah at what time i bangun the next day. very very bad! i hate it actually as it makes my life messy. i am the type of person that lives by the rules. yup, boring but i feel like my life is organized in that way. so, bila macam ni, mmg tak tentu hala jadinya.

if baru2 i kerja kat sini dulu, boleh je i bangun at 5am eventhough i slept at 2am but now ni mmg dah tak mampu. so, i rasa it happened sebab i dah tua. so, bila susah nak tidur ni, maka i'm gaining more weight as a result. ye, i blame my sleepless nites not because of my uncontrallable appetite. heh!

*images googled*


Lady of Leisure said...

hehe dulu i pernah kerja tak tektu masa, know lah kan kerja as a customer service ni.. ada shift.. masa tidur memang tunggang langgang...

diana sidek said...

LoL: oh, i tau and sgt memahami lady. sgt tunggang langgang my sleeping time now ni