Saturday, May 01, 2010

mahu menyanyi dan menari dengan saya?

i am not a fan of glee but this morning my sister made me watched back to back glee episodes, i was like "ok finelah, tengok je lah" but but but until artie sang this song, i was almost menjerit sebab sebab sebab it's been a while i nak carik this song. the 1st time i came across this song was through this one wedding video by manggis which my sister shared with me. bukan senang i suka lagu bila 1st time dengar tp this song is an exceptional case. ahakkksss!! at least to my ears. and i buat org menyampah the whole day sebab dok menyanyi and menari with this song. i sangat suka glee's version ni! suka suka sgt!

i can't stop smiling today. who wants to sing and dance with me?
"Oh, dancing with myself
Oh, dancing with myself
Well there's nothing to lose
And there's nothing to prove
And I'm dancing with myself"


Ermayum said...

diana dear i baru ja tgk tadi tu pun setengah jam ja hehe sebab da magrib - i suka la cara cerita tu ada narrotor kan lelaki tu main character boleh tahan ada la motivasi kalu nak tgk hehe but tak rasa cam cite hisdustan ke they all joget and nyanyi ada music semua hehe - hmm maybe because i belum kena penyakit Glee lagi :)

diana sidek said...

oh, i mmg belum dijangkiti penyakit glee lg erma. i just suka part diorg nyanyi balik old songs and sing it in with some new lyrics and with their style.n this song is mmg my fave.hihih!!